Mendocino County: Where You Could Find the Most Expensive Gallon of Gas in US History at $9.45 Per Gallon - Redheaded Blackbelt

2022-06-04 01:54:49 By : Ms. Yvonne Huang

News, nature, and community throughout the Emerald Triangle

Yesterday’s price display at Schlafer’s in the town of Mendocino [Picture provided by Mendocino Coast resident]Schlafer’s Auto Repair in the Mendocino County coastal village of Mendocino has become legendary for its gas prices often 60% more expensive than the national average.

Yesterday’s price display at Schlafer’s in the town of Mendocino [Picture provided by Mendocino Coast resident]

Yesterday, if a driver was to fill up at Schlafer’s, they could find themselves paying the highest price for a regular gallon of gasoline ever documented in the history of the United States: $9.45.

Patrick De Haan, the Head Petroleum Analyst for GasBuddy, confirmed that Schlafer’s is currently charging the most in the United States for gasoline. Being that California stands as the priciest market during a time when the United States has the highest gas prices in history, De Haan agreed that $9.45/gallon could “very possibly” be the most expensive gallon of gas in the history of the United States. 

Schlafer’s has made a mark on the national conversation around gasoline prices, having the highest gas prices in the US back in March , and even earlier in June 2021 before the nation saw the historic rise in gasoline prices.

Bill Maher, the host of HBO’s talk show Real Time , even joked about the station’s prices saying, “There’s a gas station in Mendocino County, here in California, charging $8.45 for a gallon of gasoline. For that money, they should check your oil and your prostate.”

In a past interview , Judy Schlafer, the owner and proprietor of the service station, told us her prices are influenced by the fact the shop acts as an independent business, not a franchise of Chevron. Her business does not sell food and drink, the goods that most often bring profit to gas stations across the United States.

Currently, California’s average price for a gallon of gasoline is $6.19/gallon with multiple locations reportedly selling their gas at more than $7.25/gallon, a watershed price superseding the federal minimum wage.

The North Coast of California currently is one of the most expensive regions for drivers with Humboldt County being the highest average price on the North Coast at $6.69/gallon.

In March 2022, California State Governor Gavin Newsom proposed state residents receive a gasoline rebate to alleviate the financial burden of the current market. But, the proposal is currently at a standstill as lawmakers debate the details. 

As legislators consider relief measures, the average joe is left feeling the squeeze.

Earlier: On the Poverty-Stricken North Coast, Drivers Are Paying the Highest Prices for Gas in the Nation

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Climate change, another foggy June day in Humboldt, what changed? Rain in forcast later this week, yeah never seen this before, crack me up. Panic on tp buyers.

Oh yeah, that rain forecast looks heavy. Probably gonna clear this drought right up. Ever hear of data? Humans have been recording daily temperature measurements for 142 years. Over that time period, it’s been getting warmer. Ice core data shows a record of the oldest continuous ice core records extend to 130,000 years in Greenland, and 800,000 years in Antarctica. This record shows a steady pattern of glaciation and warming until the industrial revolution when we started burning hydro carbons. Keep referring to weather and climate in the sentence, you sound real smart.

What drought? You apparently not local , eel the highest its been in the last few years. All i see is green all around this area, drought crack me up. Puddles just dried up and they’ll be back on Saturday, crack me up. Climate change, global warming, maybe just a cycle of life that you can’t stop, control or divert. Sorry, some things you ain’t changing, like the weather, you peeps think you can change it when you can’t even predict it.

The drought seems to be in your logic sir

21% below average. data dude, sorry it is hard for you to understand. Maybe you’re right, it’s not like science has done much for the human race. oh, wait…

22 inches of rain in Humboldt in the last 7 months, far from a drought, crack me up. This place be green all year and you’ll still be screaming climate change. How is Mexico looking on your CO 2 emissions, crack me up. Keep fighting the battle bro, your data don’t mean sheet when no one cares but your greedy politician. This cycle gonna happen whether you like it or not.

This is just a troll trying to get attention. next…

Oh wait, Tonga! Earth caused climate change, a toxic slurry of methane, particulates, and vog. Those floating pumice islands in the Pacific are particularly cool. Maybe we can figure out how to mine them for eco farming. So, yes the climate changes, and it is really good when it warms for plant life. Maybe the plants will rule the world one day and turn into giant human eaters.

Oh boy. Good luck to you, you’ll need it.

“Maybe the plants will rule the world one day and turn into giant human eaters.” — newsflash — this has ALWAYS been the case and always will be … plants came before animals evolved … there was no oxygen until plants photosynthesized it (water + sunshine)… the very breath of animal life FEEDS plant life (CO²) — and the death of animals FERTILIZE plant life … Earth has been around for 4 Billion years and will STILL be here LONG after we are gone … human arrogance ALONE puts us at the center of the universe, when, actually, we are just a blip on history’s radar ….

Don’t waste your time. If it doesn’t have their Messiah Trump’s seal of approval, it’s Fake News.

You’re right. Sometimes I just can’t help myself.

Who is Trump, quit living in the past bud, your future is dead ahead, now pump with pride

We’ve had many ice ages, 2.5 miles of ice was above most of north America just 10,000 years ago. Humans do that also?? 😂

I know about the pattern of glaciation throughout the geologic timescale. You do not seem to understand it. Read up, dude.

Exactly. The same economic illiterates (aka liberals) who blame gas prices on oil companies are the same idiots who WON’T refute your point, wear a mask alone outdoors in the sun, and believe 400 ppm CO2 is a problem, but wasn’t a problem when it was 800 ppm-derrrrp! Liberalism is a mental disorder!

You can’t argue with the zealots using logical examples. They have a religious dogma they follow. Anyone who disagrees is a heretic.

Are you saying that co2 will prevent ice ages? That would be great but I don’t think it is true.

You come up with those numbers all by yourself? Others saw the same article. What makes you think these be are right? Your own research?

Are you up north? Here in SoHum it’s a jet trail induced cloud cover day. Today was poised to be a clear blue sky day like yesterday until all the jet exhaust expanded to cover the sky in a milky white haze. And like clockwork, this happens 2-3 days before the predicted rain. Notice the nice curved one in the pic. 90 degree turns, U turns and loops are not uncommon to see…

You need to click on the pic to see the curved trail.

so do the geo-engineers follow the farmer’s almanac? or does the farmer’s almanac predict what the global elitists/ agenda 21ers will tell the geo-engineer’s to do a year in advance? asking for a friend.

If overt operations are taking place, it’s only locigal to think that there is a high probability they were preceded by covert operations or tests.

oh snatch! they are after you!!! Copper hat liner, quick

I cant even. You are hilarious!

They are still laying out clouds… at 5pm

You fucking rock dude that is awesome. Made my day

Now that many planes would require a lot of support and personnel. And runways and loading area and supply trucks or trains. All those people, families too would know something. This for decades? Where are they?

I actually don’t think Joe feels anything. Very numb

And Bob’s your uncle.

Stand up and pump that fuel with pride, crack me up. 10 bucks a gallon be good for this place, help keep these peasants off the road. I’m sure social security will keep pace , haha.

Is there something wrong with bring a peasant? Or are you worried I might be a wealthy ass, crack me up, pump with pride Bidenaires.

You’re repeating yourself, crack me up.

Pump with pride Bidenaire, crack me up.

Higher than Bridgeport, usually the state’s priciest gas.

Does not sell food or drink, so what the hell lets gouge any vehicle driver that has to stop for gas. Take you station and shove it!

Just vacay elsewhere. Let the locals deal with the profiteer.

I live in Humboldt and don’t vacation in that county. Sorry, but it is still a sickening price for gasoline!

You act like someone is forcing you to stop there.

No discount for the unvaccinated?

Lol! U got a discount on years off ur life taking that Jim Jones jab!

The average Joe 😂 how about below average Joe lol! Omg if that isn’t some true news site reading I don’t know what is

Lets keep doubling down on failed socilist policies that keep making things worse and worse.

I remember when California was a good place to live now people are leaving to find a better life

suites me just fine. you’re complaining about less ppl living in CA? join the heard, beat feet, don’t the door hit ya.

Sorry bud , population of California only going up, drugs are too readily and cheap. Meth capital, just visit downtown Frisco, town hall, fed building area , meth everywhere, free food , only attracts the best of the best.

Yep here i am, only money keeps me here. If i could make more somewhere else i would. But sheet is about on autopilot so i don’t have to be here as much. My peasant arse is going on another vacation, crack me up

If California politicians were really interested in electric vehicles, they would have already been investing in an updated system for fueling them all over,made purchase of electrical vehicles an attractive alternative, developed needed resources, encouraged businesses to learn to fix them, etc. This was before the current inflation.

Passing a law mandating them, imposing so much taxes on gas and not acknowledging there are many problems they haven’t addressed doesn’t cut it. And as usual with people who make laws being urban, have left rural places without alternatives. And just considering the two faced nature of politicians here, who have private jets,travel to conferences, own polluting businesses and investments, all the while fighting with each other over a budget surplus to direct to their own agendas while not having the courage to address real problems faced by those neither poor enough nor rich enough to be on those agendas, earns them utter contempt and makes me think about ways to escape them too. I just can’t bear the thought of living elsewhere but it doesn’t mean I don’t dream of a miracle to make our government more sane.

Democrats destroyed this state, and exactly what the democrats in office have done to this country in less than 2yrs.

Dude, just because inflation is at all time highs, the entire third world is pouring over the border (exacerbating that inflation), liberal cities have sky high violent crime and murder rates, and we are both on the verge of a massive depression and WW3, doesn’t mean things are bad. C’mon man!

Yea, move to those low dollar, low IQ places where 18yr olds murder children & they can all open carry & purchase cheap gasoline….

Claims of highest gas prices are not here although we’re right up there. There are places in Alaska where gas is $16 per gallon.

We’ll hit 16 bucks if Joe stays right where he is , 4 bucks a year, we got this Joe! We can do it! Go green Joe go green! These polluters need to stop , get an EV or else.

If you’ve ever spent any time in Alaska unfortunately some locals use petrol as recreational drug

Bicycle shops must be very enthusiastic.

Scammers, drive 10miles north and save 75%. Greedy weasels…

it looks like Matt didn’t want another round of crazy talk,

Price gouging for top profits! Even in a market based economy eventually greedy profiteers go out of business when no one wants to do business with them anymore. Folks be driving by with the big finger out their windows.

The principal reason that Build Back Better is likely to cost more than $4 trillion over 10 years is because the bill’s authors have maintained most of the expansive social welfare programs while deceitfully claiming they will only last for a year or so. In reality, those supporting the bill know full well that they have no intention of sunsetting their new social welfare programs, such as universal pre-K, universal paid leave, free community college, expanded Medicare, and so forth after only a few years. As such, they are simply gaming the system. And they know it.

Does the proprietor have a F*** Biden sign out front?

Why has the price of gas increased so dramatically under Biden…

One of Biden’s first actions after taking office was to halt new oil and gas leases on federal lands and waters, the Biden administration has delayed decisions on these leases — a move that results in higher energy costs for the most vulnerable consumers. The administration canceled the Keystone XL pipeline and suspended oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and New Mexico (despite opposition from the Navajo Nation). It also resurrected the “Waters of the United States” rule, which would increase barriers to energy projects. The White House is pursuing new standards for particulate matter and ozone, likely tightening them to unachievable levels for much of the country and creating new barriers for energy project permits. The president also has rescinded Endangered Species Act reforms, a move that will increase red tape and allow litigation to slow down energy projects.

Biden reversed all of Trumps effective and successful energy policies on his first day of office. The price could only increase.

This is beyond hilarious. California produced 130,000,000 barrels of oil in 2021, and routinely bounces between the 3-6th biggest oil producer in the US. As for going green, nuclear power, hydrogen cars, a move from cattle and planting more trees makes a hell of a lot more sense than electric cars and solar, just google the environmental impact of lithium mining.

As for the current options, increasing US production would help US drivers and the US economy overall, while negatively impacting the Russia. Which, if you look at what’s going on in Russia as opposed to what is being reported by western media, is rolling. Gas is $2.50/ gallon, diesel is $2.25, store shelves are stocked and the Ruble is at a 26 month high versus the Dollar.

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