Pump prices surge in San Mateo County | Local News | smdailyjournal.com

2022-10-01 19:28:35 By : Ms. Elle Qi

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Arco Gas Station on South Delaware Street in San Mateo.

Alexandra Lagran pumps gas at Arco gas station in San Mateo on Wednesday.

As if you haven’t noticed, gas prices are getting more expensive after dropping a bit from recent highs.

The rise is due to planned and unplanned maintenance to oil refineries in California and Washington state, so the supply is currently lower than the demand resulting in prices at the pump rising, said John Treanor, a spokesman for AAA Northern California, which tracks gas prices as a consumer service.

“Prices went up from $5.88 yesterday to $6 today,” Treanor said.

Every three to five years, an oil refinery will perform turnarounds when the refinery is taken offline for maintenance and inspection, he added.

Additionally, Treanor said that hurricane season on the East Coast also affects gas prices and it remains to be seen how Hurricane Ian will inflate prices in the coming weeks.

Arco Gas Station on South Delaware Street in San Mateo.

Alexandra Lagran, a Burlingame resident pumping gas at the Arco station on Delaware Street, said she was irritated when gas prices went up because she commutes more than 60 miles a day and is now driving a rental car after her Toyota Prius’ catalytic converter was stolen.

“I need to drive so I have no choice,” Lagran said.

The Arco on Delaware Street and the Costco in Redwood City are the only two gas stations where she fills up her tank because they seem to be the cheapest in the area, she added.

The state’s average price per gallon this week was $6.036 for regular unleaded gasoline per gallon. Comparatively, the highest recorded average price is $6.438 per gallon, recorded in June of this year, according to AAA’s website.

Lagran said that if gas prices continue to climb she would consider buying an electric vehicle.

Average gasoline prices in San Francisco have risen 23.3 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $5.86 per gallon today. Prices in San Francisco are 45.1 cents per gallon higher than a month ago and stand $1.34 per gallon higher than a year ago. Although the quality of gas is different, the national average price of gasoline has risen 3.2 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $3.67 per gallon today.

The national average is down 17.5 cents per gallon from a month ago and stands 49.3 cents per gallon higher than a year ago, according to GasBuddy.

Daly City resident Kritika Kumar, also pumping gas at the Arco, said she avoids driving her Dodge Durango because it costs around $150 to fill her tank. For Kumar, who commutes to work in San Francisco, she had to consider if driving was the best option.

“I just have to be more conscious of where I go and how I use my car,” Kumar said.

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