KPlay looks towards next project | Daily Gate City |

2022-11-30 12:31:49 By : Ms. Bobby Qian

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KPlay looks towards next project | Daily Gate City |

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Cloudy skies this evening will become partly cloudy after midnight. Low 23F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph..

Cloudy skies this evening will become partly cloudy after midnight. Low 23F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph.

KPlay has already installed Bentley’s Playground and Bentley’s Splash Pad in Tolmie Park in Keokuk, but the group does not want to stop there. President of the organization, Trish Payne, attended the Keokuk Park and Recreation Advisory Board on Tuesday to talk about the next project at the park.

The group has wanted something more than the portapotty that has sat by the park every year. They would like a restroom building, which would also provide a changing area.

Payne said KPlay was fortunate enough to land a $50,000 grant recently from the Odd Fellows Grand Lodge of Iowa, which would help the group on its next project. But while that was a generous amount to be awarded, it is not enough for the project.

She said she was kind of surprised by the quote she received from contractors. The group is looking at a 12 foot by 18 foot by 8 foot high building for the restroom, using concrete blocks, and the estimate was $88,000.

She asked the board if they thought a more economical route would be to use the garage area at the Tolmie building to install a restroom. Public Works Director Robert Helenthal said he did not think it would be cheaper to do it that way. The extensive work needed to convert the garage into a restroom would cost similar to constructing a new one.

Payne said the group looked at some of the prefab restroom buildings, like at Pollmiller Park near West Point, but believes it is too small to hold the changing area they would like to include.

The organization has tossed around some fundraiser ideas. They had success selling cubic yards of concrete for the splash pad, so they may try to do something similar, selling blocks for the restroom.

Payne came to the board on Tuesday, to ask for permission to proceed with the project. The restrooms would be next to Bentley’s Playground with plans for more sidewalks to increase accessibility.

The board approved, letting the project move forward, but KPlay will likely need to take it to the City Council.

In addition to the K-Play project, the board discussed the Family Fright Fest held on Oct. 15 in Rand Park. The event was deemed a success, however, Board Member Monica Winkler said there were 100 out of the 500 pumpkins leftover after the event.

She said the groups that joined them this year, including the Lee County Health Department, seemed pleased with the event. The Best You Coalition also held its first movie night at the Rand Park Pavilion the same night, but had to wait until it was darker to start the show, leaving a two-hour gap between the events. Notwithstanding, Winkler said about 50 people attended to watch Hocus Pocus.

The Ax throwing trailer was very popular and busy all day too. For next year, the board is looking into bringing a petting zoo as well as possibly pony rides.

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Cloudy skies this evening will become partly cloudy after midnight. Low 23F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph.

Cloudy skies this evening will become partly cloudy after midnight. Low 23F. Winds WNW at 10 to 20 mph.

A mainly sunny sky. High 34F. Winds WNW at 15 to 25 mph. Higher wind gusts possible.

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KPlay looks towards next project | Daily Gate City |

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